Sunday, September 14, 2014

Korean Dating Rituals

Hello all, 

I haven't posted in a while and a lot has happened! I went to America for 10 days for my summer vacation and I have a new boyfriend! I know before I posted a pretty grim and unpleasing post about dating in Korea, but I am here to tell you that there is indeed hope for foreigners! 

Korean dating is like a bad episode of legends of the hidden temple, you just cant all the get all the pieces together at the right time. They are either really hot with 0 personality or mildly good looking with perverted intentions.

I actually met my boyfriend at Ultra Music Festival Korea in the front row. I honestly didn't think anything of it as he asked to see my princess wand. After taking pictures and dancing around we traded kakao id's and I figured that was it. Weeks later we met up to do some local shopping in Hongdae and a lunch date turned into an all day affair. Now we've been together for a bit and things have been going really well. hehe

There are some things to get used to when dating a Korean man. 

1.  Anniversaries by the 100's. Every 100 days Korean couples celebrate! 100, 200, 300... and so on. It's a bit different but honestly I think it's kind of cute. Also friends will give you cheonwon or a 100 won coin as a way to say congrats.

2. Couple rings. My boyfriend and I are approaching our 100 day anniversary so he asked me about couple rings. I know this is an ultra Korean thing, but I like it. They are small reminders and tokens of cuteness. So friends and family I am not engaged we are just celebrating our relationship with rings! ^^

3. Getting stared at. People practically breaking their necks to get a good stare at the foreigner and her Korean man. I would be lying if I told you it doesn't bother me. I know I am not anywhere near Korean sized but the stares my boyfriend and I get are a little out of control. I'm not sure if other foreigner/korean couples have experienced this but IT'S RUDE! 

4. THE PARENTS (dun dun dunnnnnn)
part 1.
Sunday's at mom's house and you aint invited. 
My boyfriend's family live in Incheon and he's currently going to Hongik University. So he will leave my place early Sunday morning go and hang out with his family then go back go his dorms at night. But I have found that Korean parents keep a strong hold of their children. Like today, we were supposed to go to an exhibit today but his mother called and demanded he come home for lunch. He said okay sure so he left reluctantly. Just be prepared for the demands of a Korean family.

part 2.
You will not be meeting parents anytime soon.
I am not all about meeting parents but most of my exes have met and had a functioning relationship with my parents. My boyfriend has met my father via skype and my whole  family knows of him. His sister knows me as his friend from America and that's the extent. He lies to his parents about where he goes and who's he's with. I told him as long as he doesn't lie to me we're good. haha Korean's will not tell their parents about their significant other until it's time for marriage.

5. With the quickness. Korean's tend to jump in whole heartedly when it comes to relationships. No matter who your dating it takes off fast. I'll be honest I was scared and had to consult with my Korean love guru Karla. I'm glad I let my guard down and just let it happen. I'm the happiest I've been in a REALLY long time. 

All in all your girl never gives up and I'm glad I didn't. I've met a guy that I'm completely comfortable around. We watch adventure time, eat rice and kimchi, and occasionally burp in the name of love.

The moral of the story is never give up on love. It may find you in the strangest places....


Bitten by the love bug

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