Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Helloooooooooo (update)


So obviously I'm not consistent.... 
well I'm never really consistent about posting.  

I come on here randomly and try to make my thoughts come together in a cohesive manner for the sake of well staying on track. 

As I sit in bed with my land lord in my bathroom I decided it'd be a perfect time to just write a little something....

I'm literally in my little black natori gown and robe 
listening to them bicker about my toilet and she continues to pick up random things off of my floor. 

She complained about the smell in my kitchen 
as the night before I made bomb ass mushroom chicken.
 I guess the after math does smell a bit off putting 

oh well...

So life back in Korea has been a whirl wind for the best and worst. 

Mainly the worst over the past 6 weeks I furiously scrambled to get my shit together and get ready for open class. 
If you are unfamiliar with "open class" it's when you put on a memorized performance for their parents to show them their kids are smart and talented. When in fact everything is basically memorized you've done 0 curriculum work but hey look at them sing and dance!

I legit had a panic attack in front of my supervisor about 2 weeks ago today. 
f u c k i n g  a w e s o m e

it's moments like this where I'd rather shrivel up into dust and disappear
(thumbs up)

(deep breath)
Now that it's all over I can breath again *kinda* 

Kyu and I have officially started his immigration paper work as well! 
Which was another huge stress point for me. But all in all we got it done and *SOON* I'll be writing and doing a video about our immigration journey ! 

Enough about me and my dismal existence  ðŸ’¨

Tell me something that you accomplished in the month of May!!!
No matter big or small an accomplishment is progress

Here I'll go first ...
(legit I cried tears of joy)

I'm excited tomorrow is June 1st and the beginning of a new month and new goals and opportunities! 

Goal 1:
Smile more

Now you go!



Here's a picture of Eddie Huang. 
Famous chef and author of Fresh off the boat. 
Eddie Huang + Fidget spinnerz = greatness

That's all. 


  1. Goal for May / June - I think I have a phone interview every day this week for Clark County School District!

    1. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts Matt!! I hope everything goes well for you!!!
